BukitBatok Advertisements

BukitBatok : Spacious Single room for (male or female) rent – 1000 (In

Long term stay preferred (1pax/ common room) - Just 1 bus stop (or 7mins walk) away from Bukit Batok MRT/ bus interchange - Multiple bus options t...

BukitBatok : Opposite Bukit Batok MRT Big Common Room with AC

Looking for one lady roommate ( available on :1st September 2024) ------------------------------------------------------------- - A big common room ...


10 min walk to Bukit Batok MRT station (or) 4 min to Bukit Batok MRT station by bus Fully furnished master room for single-person stay High floo...

BukitBatok : 600pax bukit batok1 male to share in common room

Bukit Batok: 1 male available for common room share at $600/pax (incl. PUB+internet+Gas) Long-term stay ( 2pax / common room) 1 bus stop/7...

BukitBatok : Opposite Bukit Batok MRT Big Common Room with AC

Looking for one lady roommate ( available on :1st July 2023) ------------------------------------------------------------- - A big common room with ...

BukitBatok : 600pax1200coupleCommon room Bukit batok 2xmales or couple

Common room, Bukit batok, 2xmale or couple $600/pax, $1200/couple inclusive PUB+internet+Gas - For long-term stay - 1 bust stop away/ 7mins walk dis...

BukitBatok : Bukit BatokCommon room for male or couple to share w 650

For male or couple, Common room to share w $650 /$1300, Bukit Batok - For male to share common room $650 (including PUB+Gas+Internet) - For couple- ...

BukitBatok : Bukit batokCommon room for male to share w 650 includes P

Common room for male to share w $650, Bukit Batok - $650 (including PUB+Gas+Internet) - 1 bust stop away/ 7mins walk distance from Bukit Batok...

BukitBatok : For male to share in common room w 680 Bukit Batok

For male to share in common room w $680, Bukit Batok - $680 (including PUB+Gas+Internet) - 1 bust stop away/ 7mins walk distance from Bukit Ba...

BukitBatok : Looking for male roommate share in common room w 700 Buki

1 male roommate, share in common room w $700, Bukit Batok - $700 (including PUB+Gas+Internet) For long term stay (working professional) - Single b...

BukitBatok : Looking for male roommate share in common room w 700 Buki

1 male roommate, share in common room w $700, Bukit Batok - $700 (including PUB+Gas+Internet) For long term stay (working professional) - Single be...

BukitBatok : Bukit BatokLooking for male roommate to share in common r

Looking for 1 male tenant to share in common room with $680+PUB (est. $35-45) For long Term Stay (working professional) > Single bed with mattres...

BukitBatok : iMyanmar - The Best Online Advertising iMyanmar - The Bes

looking for 1 female tenant to share in common room with $550 + PUB and internet. For long Term Stay > Single bed with Frame, study table & w...

BukitBatok : Spacious good ventilation commonroom with 850 PUB and int

Spacious & good ventilation room with $850 + PUB and internet. For long Term Stay > Single bed with Frame, big wardrobe and study table will ...

BukitBatok : Spacious good ventilation room with 850 PUB and internet

Spacious & good ventilation room with $850 + PUB and internet. For long Term Stay > Single bed with Frame, big wardrobe and study table will ...

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