Pioneer : 1 common room for rental 2 to 3 person 750 ok include PUB - Jurong west

1 common room for rental 2 to 3 person $750 ok include PUB - Jurong west

All welcomed
2 - 3 person @ $750 including PUB
Cooking , wifi can disscuess

Will have bed and cupboards

Location Jurong west st 81
Blk 824 Singapore 640824

Pionneer or boon lay MRT neaby

Contact 8 2 7 9 8 3 2 7

Xu g n ? K F
L 3 0 0 8 4 3 0 D / R 0 5 7 3 7 2 A
Phone : 82798327
Nearest MRT : Pioneer
For Who : Couple,Female,Male
Available Date : 09-Nov-2018