S.S.D CHEMICAL SOLUTION IN SOUTH AFRICA +27817649092.Dear Customer, We the Mercury Chemical Consultant Group have seven many zonal designations around the globe and we guarantee a 100% assurance for a perfect work-done to any of our client/customer. There is no risk to be taken in this transaction because we use a computerized cleansing detergent and none of our client/customer pays money up-front before the completion of his/her defaced currency, we work on (20%) in agreement that we will be providing all the required Materials,+27817649092 Chemicals and Activation Powder including Machine to complete the work and we will be taking our percentage as soon as the job done. So, I advise any individual/companies/cooperate bodies who have such defaced currency to act swiftly to the completion of their notes, especially those that are having a defaced dollar because the American federal treasury has declared and invented a new design of a $100 bill (i.e. the old $100 bill MAY not be tenderly useful at the market in the nearest future). In-case our client does not live nearby; we convey the materials/chemicals to any country by sending our various +27817649092 Representatives/Technicians. Everything about the shipment of the materials/solution to any countries is free of charge BUT remember that the 20% cannot be DENIED after the cleansing of your defaced currency. If understood and accepted, I request you to send us the details below: 1. Your Name: 2. Your Contact Number: 3. Your Home Address: 4. What is the denomination of the currency? 5. Are you ready to pay the 20% of the total money after the work done? You are at the right place!
Phone :0817649092