Yew Tee MRT common room for rent
Postal Code - 650363( Regent Grove Condo)
- Room Type ( 2+1 with 2 x bathroom and toilets)
- Available for Male/Female/Couple
- Only 5 minute walking distance from Yew Tee MRT
- Cooking allow
- A/C (Night time 9:00 PM - 7:00AM) , Refrigerator , Washing Machine , Water Heater , Microwave ,Fan available.
- Around 5 minutes walking distance to Yew Tee Mall, Wet Market .....
- Swimming Pool, Gym available
- 1 x person want to stay alone at common room , please call for price
- Short term want to stay at common
room, please call for price.
- Vacant date - 01/02/2017 ( Immediate available for one person)
- Please call ph- 90035737,82005659,65265123 for price and additional information.
- Thanks !!
Phone : 90035737
Nearest MRT : YewTee
For Who : Couple,Female,Male
Available Date : 01-Feb-2017