* ဆမ္ဘားဝမ္ MRT အနီးတြင္ Common Room တစ္ခန္းလံုး ဌားရန္ရိွသည္ * -Long-term (or) Short-term Stay. -Deposit လံုးဝ ( လံုးဝ ) ေပးရန္မလိုပါ။ -01/09/17...
- Walking distance near to Khatib MRT - Aircon Room, Windy, Big Windows, Fan also Provided - Cheap price for Big Room (PUB included) - Aircon Room ...
- Walking distance near to MRT - Aircon Room, Windy, Big Windows, Fan also Provided - Cheap price for Big Room (PUB included) - Aircon Room $680 -...
-Long-term (or) Short-term Stay. -Deposit လံုးဝ ( လံုးဝ ) ေပးရန္မလိုပါ။ -01/09/17 မွစ၍ ေနႏိုင္ပါၿပီ။ -High-Floor Corner-Unit ျဖစ္၍ ေလဝင္ ၊ ေလထြက္...